Up, Up, And Away -- A Quick Guide To Attending Denver Comic Con And Enjoying The City
Are you planning a trek to Denver Comic Con this year? It's a rapidly-growing pop culture convention that's easily filling the Denver Convention Center and spilling out onto the nearby streets and bars. But, if you're new to Denver, how can you best enjoy your time at the convention and in the Mile High City? Here are 3 tips for any newbie.
Hotels. The nearest hotels to the convention center help form a block of negotiated rooms specifically for convention attendees. And since they're within walking distance to the con, you'll find any of them convenient and comfortable. The nearby, outdoor 16th Street Mall is gorgeous in summer and offers enough convenient restaurants and shopping to satisfy any needs. If you have a tighter budget, though, downtown hotels may be a little expensive. For a better deal, look beyond the convention center area and out into the city itself. You can find many great deals on high-quality hotels and other lodging options in areas like the Denver Tech Center, the Denver International Airport area, or suburbs to the north of the city.
The Convention Center. The Denver Convention Center is large enough to house all the main convention activities, so it's convenient and manageable. Costuming is popular at the con, so be sure to join the fun by dressing up as your favorite character. While there's a line to get into the convention each morning, most other entry lines aren't too long. Main panel sessions and similar events are generally held in ballrooms and auditoriums downstairs, including the 5,000 seat Bellco Theater (where there may be a longer line to enter). The artists and vendors' booths are upstairs in the main exhibition hall. Food booths -- and a few bars selling a limited menu of drinks -- are plentiful inside the exhibition hall and scattered throughout the rest of the con. Be sure to take your picture with the big Blue Bear outside for a quick and cheap Denver souvenir!
Other Nerdy Things to To. Denver is an eclectic city, and you'll find lots of fun options to entertain yourself and the kids outside the convention walls. Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum has exhibits related to local astronauts and the U.S. space program. If you want to relax a little with other geeks and freaks, head over to the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema in Littleton. This film-lover's movie theater offers special kids' programs, fan gatherings, sing-along movie showings, and other special events geared toward fan favorite movies -- both current and classic. Then, take the kids to the Denver Zoo and the nearby Museum of Nature and Science for a little hands-on science fun.
Whether you're in town for only a day or you can stay on a few extra days to explore Denver, you'll find lots to do and see while visiting Denver Comic Con this year!